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What is Oneg Shabbat?

Once a month we come together as a community to dive and explore a chosen topic over a delicious lunch. They are held from 12:45-2:15pm after the Shabbat Morning Service.

Who can come?

This group is for members of all ages and if there is a particular topic you would like to see covered please let us know.

Do I need to bring anything?

We ask members to contribute in whatever way they can. This may be through bringing a dish, donating an amount towards our cost or volunteering (setting up, washing dishes, hosting table etc.) on the day.

Do I need to book in?

Yes. There is no charge to join us for the Oneg, but we have limited seating in the room and so want to ensure that we don't disappoint people. To book in, click on the links below, or contact Louise Wendel

Dates for Oneg Shabbatot 2024/2025
Saturday 7 September - Finding an emotional appeal in Rabbi Friedlander’s teachings and a Rabbinic short story. With Rabbi Kamila.
Saturday 9th November - With Rabbi Kamila
Saturday 7th December - With Rabbi Kamila
Saturday 11th January - With Yael Roberts
Saturday 1st February - With Yael Roberts
Saturday 8th March - With Yael Roberts
Saturday 10th May - With Rabbi Benji
Saturday 14th June - With Rabbi Benji
Saturday 12th July - With Rabbi Benji

Sat, 27 July 2024 21 Tammuz 5784