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Or Chadash (meaning "new light"), is our course for those who wish to explore conversion to Judaism or wish for confirmation of Jewish status. Sessions are held on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:45pm, followed by Hebrew Class from 7:45-8:30pm

Our Jewish Studies course covers the Jewish lifecycle, the yearly festival cycle, Jewish history, and of course, a familiarising and appreciation of our prayer book and Hebrew Bible. It is a vibrant and inclusive group and is warm and welcoming to new members with sessions taught by Rabbi BenjiRabbi Kamilaand our Director of Community and Adult Education, Yael Roberts,  or guest tutors.

Many students at Or Chadash are seeking to convert to Judaism, others are looking to affirm Jewish status, to learn about Judaism or to deepen the understanding that they already have. Whichever is the case, the first step in this process is to come and try out one of our Or Chadash classes, and then after a few weeks, we'll arrange a time for you to speak to Rabbi Benji, Student-Rabbi Kamila, or Yael who would be delighted to talk through your situation, discuss your options and work out the best programme of learning for you. There is no cost for the classes, however, we do expect anyone attending for more than four sessions, to complete membership as a friend of the community and take an active part in community life.  If you are interested, Guy Ronen, our PA to the Rabbis, will be happy to help.

Information about Or Chadash 5785 (2024-2025)

Click here for dates and topics As you will see, they follow the annual calendar of festivals, with other pertinent topics fitting in around them. The course works on a roll on/roll off basis, with people joining and completing their course at different points of the year. Whether you wish to attend a one-off session to learn more about a particular topic, or are looking to complete the course, we look forward to welcoming you to classes!

Or Chadash Chavurot Twice a year we celebrate Shabbat together. Join us this year on 20th September and 17th January for the Friday night service followed by a special Or Chadash dinner. This is a chance to meet other members from the class and celebrate shabbat together. Sign up links to follow.

Click here for a Reading List  The page contains a recommended list of core texts for those wishing to learn about Judaism. The team will recommend particular books depending on the interests of an individual, but the core text for the course is 'The Honey and the Sting', which offers a wonderfully comprehensive and warmly written overview of Judaism from a Reform perspective.

Click here for our Or Chadash Source Library  Once you've started the Or Chadash classes, you'll be invited to join this members-only area. On this page you'll find past source sheets used in classes, questions to think about, Hebrew learning and more. 

Getting involved in Synagogue Life Members contribute to every aspect of Synagogue life. Many have helped out on a regular basis or as often as their schedules permit. It is fair to say that without members' support, the community would function in a very limited way. Or Chadash students have always been integral in building Synagogue life and we hope that you will be able to continue this tradition. There are many opportunities to get involved and to find out more, don't hesitate to get in touch with Jon Zecharia.

Fri, 25 October 2024 23 Tishrei 5785